- Orcs obey their superiors.
- Orcs do not try to ruin the fun of others.
- Orcs always protect the fort.
- Orcs give warning to opponents before attacking.
- Orcs help other orcs if they are attacked by an outsider.
- Orcs sometimes collect tribute, and always collect if by the fort.
- Orcs only loot what they need (and only from yellow bags!).
- Orcs like it when the humies do Food Trick, especially when the humie creates meat, but don't let humies amuse them for too long.
- Orcs love drinking. In fact, they are always drinking.
- Orcs play Da Klomp Game with other orcs.
- Orcs always follow the clan's chain of command.
- Orcs never use the armour or weapons of a higher ranking orc, in a bind, use lower rank weapons or fists.
- All major purchases must be done by Bosses (boats,tents, houses, vendors).
- Orcs would never use external macro programs.
- Orcs would not do anything for the purpose of gaining stats/skills.
- Orcs do not stand in magical walls of fire.
- Orcs would not request magic to be used on them, as orcs have a great fear of anything magic.
- Orcs do not use human curses or vulgarity or profanity.
- Orcs do not have human friends.
- Orcs do not go to the humie town or use the humie bank (except for wurkas, spellcasters and the Big Bosses (NOT "regular" Bosses))
- Orcs DO NOT attack every non-orc they see. (In other words do not be a PK!)
- Orcs stay In Character at all times. They only speak Out Of Character in party mode.
- Lil'wuns do not blah to humans when a Grunt is about.
- Orcs help the clan in all ways including fetching wood, feathers, leather and metal.